機構客戶(包括私人機構及澳門特別行政區公共實體)請帶同以下文件, 到3澳門門市辦理預付卡實名:-

2.授權委託書及出示受委託人有效身份證證明文件 (如登記人非機構/公共實體法定代表) [下載參考樣式]

3.授權委託書及出示受委託人有效身份證證明文件 (如登記人非機構/公共實體法定代表) [下載參考樣式]


For organizational customers (including private organization and public entity of Macau SAR), please visit 3Shop to finish the prepaid real name application with the documents as following:

Public Entity of Macau SAR
1.Official application letter signed by authorized person
2.Authorization letter and valid ID of the registrant (only if the registrant is not the legal representative of the organization /public entity)[download sample]

Private Organization
1.Copy of Macau registration documents of the organization, including the name, gender, date of birth, ID number, ID type and ID issuing country/region of the person in charge, and the name and registration documents number of the corporation.
2.ID of the person in charge.
3.Authorization letter and valid ID of the registrant(only if the registrant is not the legal representative of the organization/public entity)[download sample]

1.According to the Guideline of Real-Name system, every organization can register a maximum of 25 prepaid cards, including the cards currently in use.
2.Should you look for other mobile solution due to the prepaid card registration limitation, please contact 66163900 for further information.